The success of WLCSRF Scholars and the work that we do is possible thanks to generous supporters like you. Investing in the education of just one student can transform an entire family, a neighborhood or an industry. Thank you for your commitment to education and the youth of St. Louis.

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You can support WLCSRF by purchasing a book written by the scholarship founder, Congressman William L. “Bill” Clay, Sr. (Retired). Each book explores important questions and defining battles surrounding U.S. economics, politics and social system. They tell of past challenges overcome and those yet resolved.

  • Endemic Racism in America
  • U.S. Presidents: Assessed from a Black Perspective
  • Power of Principled Politics
  • A Political Voice at the Grass Roots
  • Clarence Thomas: A Black Knight in Tainted Armor
  • The Jefferson Bank Confrontation – Just Permanent Interests
  • Just Permanent Interests
  • To Kill or Not to Kill

All book sales are tax deductible and proceeds go to the William L. Clay Scholarship & Research Fund.


Click Here to Learn More About Books by WLCSRF Founder, Bill Clay